Frame Relay
Ensure High Reliability and Throughput
Connect your LAN and WAN end points with our Frame Relay high-speed private data transport service. Ideal for "bursty" traffic, Frame Relay divides information into frames or packets before forwarding traffic to its destination through a series of switches within the network. Packet routing is based on your company-defined destination address, contained within each packet.
Secure, Reliable, and Redundant
- Frame Relay is delivered on a fully meshed backbone with redundant paths, offering resiliency and reducing the risk of a single point of failure
- PVCs (permanent virtual circuits) transmit data and reroute automatically in the event of trunk failure
- Frame Relay is protected by round-the-clock network monitoring and automatic disaster recovery capabilities
Easily Integrated
- Frame Relay delivers easy access to Verizon's Private IP network
- Integrates with ATM through FRASI
- Integrates with IP through Verizon Secure Gateway
- Enables remote access to Frame Relay through IP VPN Remote Access Services